USBmicroISP v1.0: The Beginning Steps of Dev I like small things. I don't know why. It's something about slimness, minimal living I guess. I drive a Honda Civic, yes. To develop for a micro-scale, wearable electronics project, you have got to have a smaller USBtinyISP programmer. Take the guts of that ISP (in-circuit serial programmer) project (props to the original devs there) and put them in this amazingly small box? Don't you just want to put something in there? Just imagine if small things weren't a thing. You'd be wearing THIS: Do not try to wear this at home, kids. Oh, the HORROR. Anyways... Here's my re-design that is mostly based off Adafruit's USBtinyISP and USB tiny code & design . I just wanted to...ah... improve it a bit. The Design Smaller, uses micro USB instead of large printer one, and looks cool, too. The design is mostly reduced to SMD components, which presents the prog...