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Showing posts from April, 2014

RPi headless and keyboardless Gentoo install

The goal here is to setup Gentoo Linux on an SDcard for my Raspberry Pi model B without display or USB keyboard.  Yep, I didn't have a HDMI cable and my USB keyboard died a long time ago... I followed this Quick Install Guide mostly.  I'll outline what I had to do different than the guide. I've been meaning to set up my distribution of choice on a RPi, and my work needs a little server upgrade to host some files securely.  Yes!  Now I finally have a good enough reason. Raspberry Pi model B with only power and LAN. Following the Guide Steps 1 through 3 can be done normally on a Linux system, as this is just prepping the SDcard. Parts of Step 4 need to be done before booting, so you can ssh in.  I couldn't chroot into the sdcard like I'm used to in a Gentoo linux install.  Kept getting /bin/bash Exec errors.  (I think it has to do with the different archs (armv6 vs x86) and the incampatible binaries?) Setting the root password manually ...