ATtiny85-20 DIP-8 Fits nicely on a breadboard. I followed this guide to get it working with the Arduino IDE: I downloaded the 64bit Linux 1.6.5-r5 version of the IDE, extracted it to a folder in my home directory. This newer version has the extra board support! I also put the ATtiny ide files in the sketchbook folder under "hardware". See the guide above. When uploading, it tries to use its built-in avrdude (failing and complaining), but since I have the latest and greatest (6.1) in my /usr/bin, I (moved and) replaced it with a simlink to my system avrdude. Then I loaded up Blink to test on "Pin 0", and wala, we have a blinking tardis: A TARDIS working. It's totally bigger on the inside. I can use the power from my USBmicroISP (power jumper installed) to give it 5V. Very nice. Sometimes the programming wouldn't initiate. I found that I had to close the IDE, unplug the USBmicroISP, then...