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Showing posts from September, 2015

ATtiny Who?

ATtiny85-20  DIP-8 Fits nicely on a breadboard. I followed this guide to get it working with the Arduino IDE: I downloaded the 64bit Linux 1.6.5-r5 version of the IDE, extracted it to a folder in my home directory. This newer version has the extra board support!  I also put the ATtiny ide files in the sketchbook folder under "hardware".  See the guide above.  When uploading, it tries to use its built-in avrdude (failing and complaining), but since I have the latest and greatest (6.1) in my /usr/bin, I (moved and) replaced it with a simlink to my system avrdude.  Then I loaded up Blink to test on "Pin 0", and wala, we have a blinking tardis: A TARDIS working.  It's totally bigger on the inside. I can use the power from my USBmicroISP (power jumper installed) to give it 5V.  Very nice. Sometimes the programming wouldn't initiate.  I found that I had to close the IDE, unplug the USBmicroISP, then...

Update to USBmicroISP: 6pin and 10pin headers

Actually using my USBmicroISP with microcontrollers other than Arduino Uno's led me to fix a udev rule issue with my Gentoo Linux laptop.  I was getting Permission Denied when I was trying to use avrdude as a normal user.  Yes, my user is part of the 'uucp' group... Background Some background on the Arduino ISP connector.  It is much different than the 10-pin AVR connector... 6-pin ICSP cable pinout.  NOTE: Numbers refer to ATtiny45/85 pins, not ICSP! Arduino ISP pinout. Notice the vertical line next to pin 1, which appears in silkscreen on the PCBs. Redboard ISP pinout.  Obviously the same as UNO.  Notice pin 1 location on upper-left, with horizontal white silk. My USBmicroISP has the cables coming off the IDC differently, but the key is in the correct orientation to the pinout in the top picture! (Please disregard numbering on first picture for ICSP purposes)  Usually the key and wires are facing inward (left side on 2nd and 3rd ...