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Showing posts from 2014

squashmount and aufs: Small footprint and high performance

Squashmount and aufs: Gentoo on tiny 4GB root! I came across a post about "squashing" certain directories on a Gentoo install (portage tree, portage db, /usr/src/, etc) much like those minimal-install-cd's use!  AuFS is an improved "union" filesystem.  I don't understand it all, but as a hardware engineer it's kinda like having a dual-port memory (I think).  Given that many of the directories I want to squash also contain many, many tiny files, mashing them all together increases performance on disk reads (supposedly). My Eee PC 901 still functioning... I was intrigued as my little netbook has its SDcard slot occupied for quite some time with a 32GB card for the /usr directory (2GB swap space as well!).  I wanted to change that.  I wanted to see if I could actually use my netbook as an " ultra-portable internet-connected enduring-battery system..." and happen to run a really snappy source distro!   The technique requires a very

RPi headless and keyboardless Gentoo install

The goal here is to setup Gentoo Linux on an SDcard for my Raspberry Pi model B without display or USB keyboard.  Yep, I didn't have a HDMI cable and my USB keyboard died a long time ago... I followed this Quick Install Guide mostly.  I'll outline what I had to do different than the guide. I've been meaning to set up my distribution of choice on a RPi, and my work needs a little server upgrade to host some files securely.  Yes!  Now I finally have a good enough reason. Raspberry Pi model B with only power and LAN. Following the Guide Steps 1 through 3 can be done normally on a Linux system, as this is just prepping the SDcard. Parts of Step 4 need to be done before booting, so you can ssh in.  I couldn't chroot into the sdcard like I'm used to in a Gentoo linux install.  Kept getting /bin/bash Exec errors.  (I think it has to do with the different archs (armv6 vs x86) and the incampatible binaries?) Setting the root password manually Use the comma

An Easy Mechanical Aside: Sears snowblower retrofit

Sometimes you have to leave the house, and where I live there tends to be a inconsistent amount of snow. Well, I purchased an old Sears Eager-1 5HP 22 inch snowblower (model 536.909400) from a good friend of mine last year, and never got to use it . Needless to say, it was a bit hard to manage the snow this year, as it's got bad tires (no chains either) and a bad muffler (ouch).  It's got plenty of power, but it doesn't push so well.  Here's why: Trying to replace these terribly round things proved difficult.  Not available from Sears Parts Direct.  Ebay it is.  Eventually, after much searching, came across these beasts: 11 x 4.00 - 4 Wheel, 2 Ply Tractor Tread, 3/4" ID w/ 2 Crossholes x 3-1/8" Symm They might look a too big, but the originals (with no tread) are 9.5" dia, and these are 11".  I don't care.  The width is just about right, bore is 3/4", and they've actually got tread!  I won't have to utilize ramming