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Harvey Barnstead SterileMax Retrofit

I recently did up a replacement controller PCB for a customer who was having runtime issues.  The replacement PCB and firmware exactly replaces the old 68k controller system.  It is a drop-in replacement with exactly compatible connectors, power supply, and input and output signalling. The SterileMax was a prolific autoclave, and can economically fulfill your needs. If you have this version or similar, you can use my replacement. The replacement PCB is MUCH smaller than the OEM. Replacement controller for the PC1277X1, top-side. The PCB is about 1/3 the size of the original.  It helps to not use any DIP parts. Schematic for the controller. If you're interested in this design or a slightly modified version for your sterilizer, comment below and I can hook you up. The main issue this solved was over-pressure in the chamber during a run.  The NVSRAM's battery died and it lost all the configuration data.  Once this happened the system w...
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PB Pro Mini

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Atmega328PB Dev on Linux x64

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ATtiny Who?

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Update to USBmicroISP: 6pin and 10pin headers

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555 Timer Monostable Rundown and Tricks

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USBmicroISP Part 2

Intro Continuing to document my USBmicroISP, based off the  USBtinyISP  from Adafruit, here is my the assembly process. My first post  detailed the why  I'm building this version, and its features.  Essentially I wanted to make it with a smaller, nicer looking enclosure and have it use a micro USB cable, not a printer USB cable.  I used much the same schematic. Assembled USBmicroISP; green means ready for programming! Parts Received I often buy the parts  FIRST, then check that I designed the board correctly by printing it out 1:1. Lining up the new, often-weird parts (the ATTiny, the XTAL, the MicroMatch connectors) made me realize I needed to rearrange the way the connectors go out of the case: Finished product.  Tight quarters in this case! Having finally received the PCBs reminds me again how amazing OSHPark is: Nicely fabricated OSHPark boards.  Notice the ATTiny IC1 is on the top layer, and the buffer IC2 is on...